Wednesday 14 May 2014

Quilt Basket

I have a fair collection of quilts that I have made over the years.

There are a selected few that are used on a regular basis.

I have been trying to decide how to store them so that they are within easy reach

when required apart from stacking them on top of one another or draped

over a chair or the couch.

Hubbie to the rescue he mentioned when he was in Denmark a good

few years ago the place he stayed had a log basket full of quilts sitting next to

the french doors leading to the patio. Just incase it was a bit chilly

but still nice enough to sit and get a bit of fresh air.

Light bulb moment

I decided to roll them and tie them with ribbon

Well pleased with the result and as we already had the log

basket and I had plenty of ribbon I didn't have to buy anything.

Love it


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